Paramotor community in Bay Area Northern California

 Cost? $6000 - $12000 for motor and wing + $2000-4000 for training.
License Needed? No, we are light enough to fly under FAA - FAR103 self regulation.
How high can you fly? Legally we can go to 17000ft but most of the time we are between 2000 to 5 ft.
 Where can you fly?  We fly with mobile apps such as XCnav showing us the exact airspace and where we are flying and how high in that spot.
 Where can you take off and land?  Local instructors will give you good local take off and landing spots around the Bay. Most of us communicate through an invite only Slack group which instructors can help with.
 What gear to buy?  Figure that out with your trainer and talking to other pilots, depends on your size and skills.


Popular Bay Area paramotor training

Harley Milnes - North Bay trainer
BlackHawk Ranch - East of Bay Area
Team Fly Halo - Salton Sea & Eureka
Blue Sky Paramotors - Sacramento
Danielo Mendes - LA based instructor


How to contact the local paramotor community?

Almost everyone is on a Bay Area PPG slack group with 200+ members and every weekend you can find someone to fly with and get local knowledge. The only way to join is to be invited directly by email.